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Miami Cafe
Cocktail bar Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 29, Santa Margherita Ligure, GE, Italia
Ristorante Gintoneria Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 37, Santa Margherita Ligure, GE, Italia
Da O Vittorio
Restaurant Via Roma, 160, 16036 Recco, GE, Italia
Hostaria Vecchia Rapallo
Restaurant Via Fratelli Cairoli, 20, 16035 Rapallo, GE, Italia
Bar le Fontane
Corso Valparaiso, 1d/1e, 16043 Chiavari, GE, Italia
Restaurant Calata Marconi, 34, 16034 Portofino GE, Italia
La Gritta
Bar Calata Marconi, 20, 16034 Portofino GE, Italia
Panizzeria Margug's
Pizzeria Via XXIV Aprile, 24, Lavagna GE, Italia
Venere Cafe
Bar aperitivi Via Giuseppe Mazzini, 109, Rapallo, GE, Italia
Caffe delle Fiabe
Bar Via XXV Aprile, 43, Sestri Levante, GE, Italia
Cinque Beach
Bar Lungomare Dante Alighieri, 2, Moneglia, GE, Italia
La Vermuteria
Bar Via Giuseppe Bontà, 22, Chiavari, GE, Italia
Mako Discotheque
Bar Corso Italia, 28r, 16145 Genova, Genova GE, Italia
O magazin al porto
Ristorante Bar Calata Andrea Doria, 2, 16035 Rapallo, GE, Italia
Ristorante Via dei Mille, 3, Bogliasco, GE, Italia
Polpo Mario
Bar Via XXV Aprile, 163, 16039 Sestri Levante, GE, Italia
La Cantina del Polpo
Ristorante P.za Cavour, 2, 16039 Sestri Levante, GE, Italia
Buongustaio Doc
Ristorante Piazza Henry Dunant, 4/20, 16146 Genova GE, Italia
Sabot Italia
Bar Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 32, 16038 Santa Margherita Ligure, GE, Italia
Ristorante Via S. Massimo, 4, San Massimo, Rapallo GE, Italy

WeDinner Stories From Our Lovers

Unforgettable Evening, Thanks
Thank you for organizing an unforgettable evening. Your attention to detail, warm ambiance, and flawless planning made the night truly special. We’re grateful for your dedication in creating such a memorable experience!

Heartfelt Appreciation Always
Thank you for organizing an unforgettable evening. Your attention to detail, warm ambiance, and flawless planning made the night truly special. We’re grateful for your dedication in creating such a memorable experience!

Elegance Beyond Expectations
Thank you for organizing an unforgettable evening. Your attention to detail, warm ambiance, and flawless planning made the night truly special. We’re grateful for your dedication in creating such a memorable experience!